Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shake Shack on Crack

After our Bourbon-drunk night at the comedy club, we woke up at the crack of noon, struggling to shower and barely moving. We had to take a bunch of Adderall just to get out of bed. The best idea we could come up with for the afternoon was to go to Shake Shack. Shake Shack is this burger hut in Madison Square park that everyone exalts and praises as the best burgers in the city. The line is always a mile long. experience of waiting in this fucking line after drinking an absurd amount of alcohol the night before was less like a horrible hangover and more like going on a sacral pilgrimage in the year 1250 after you’ve been flogged for 16 hours straight. Sucky, at best.

However, when we got this food, we were fueled to shamelessly shop uptown for shit we didn’t need through the afternoon until the evening, when we decided to go out to a club. This is a picture of us after filling our bellies with the greasy goodness that re-ignited our spirits for shopping, drinking and dancin' like fools!

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