Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weekend details: Help!

Below, you will find a list of questions I posed after this weekend's activities, in no particular order:

Why is there an inflated kayak in my living room floor?
Where is Maximus?
How did we get from the Gallery to Arlins? (still don't know the answer to this one)
Who's calling at 9:30 AM?
Where is this "secret" bar with the free booze?
What happened to my place mats?
Where is that wine I had earlier?
Where is the Weesil?!

This only grazes the surface of the antics...I was too high to remember details about exactly what happened most of the time, so I'm hoping my girlfriends will help fill-in with any important info that I'm missing, good quotes, ect. SO, until I figure out some code names for my friends AND have a long debriefing of events that occurred this past weekend, this entry will be postponed. Sorry!

Till then, I will be creating some code names for my friends involved in this weekend's shenanigans. Email me with your preferences and I will try my best to honor all requests. Godspeed.


E Roach said...

I wish I could just post my entire damn e-mail here in the comments... It cracked ME up at least. All I can say is... you have a beautiful plate, and it and I spent a lovely night together on the Kappa couch. (look, I didn't spell 'couch' with a k! I'm growing up!)

sas685 said...

because you are more creative than me, i will just let you come up with a witty nickname for myself

have fun though!

Sexquire said...
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