Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Obviously, the reason I scare away men...

Astrology = truth. Look what I found concerning "intimacy issues" (they have them for all signs here)
Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
People sometimes feel threatened by you, Scorpio, which can be an obstacle to closeness. It's not that you avoid intimacy; you thrive on delving deeply into feelings and confronting issues. It's just that your intensity and blunt honesty can be too much for others. And, they may feel you want too much. On the other hand, you may hide your deepest feelings, afraid that if you open up you'll be betrayed. You need to learn to trust more.

intensity? blunt honesty? naw, never !!!


Sexquire said...

Here's mine... are you still convinced?

Aries (March 20 to April 19)
You're determined to do things your own way, Aries. That spark of sovereignty within you is strong, and you fear losing it in relationships. Because you can take care of things so well on your own, you may shy away from letting others know how much you need them. Practicing the art of give-and-take is the key to maintaining your independence and also letting others in deeply. Also, take care you don't demand too much, too soon.

Anonymous said...

*Keeps his "dirty atheist" mouth shut, even though he has proof it's BS*