Tuesday, May 13, 2008

nicknames given to me by non-caucasians

1. The Girl Full of Life (an Indian)
2. Hollywood (black dude)
3. PlayaMade (black dudes)
4. Big Country (black guy)
5. Leggy (black guy)

There are probably MANY that I don't know about, given the nature of what I do. This evening, I used this line to get a couple of my student's attention:

I gesture to his pal, who was playing on myspace instead of doing work and not paying a damn bit of attention to me: "This guy sucks dick for crack. So, have you finished your reading?" Random and fragmentary. Gets 'em every time.

Also, I might need to change panties after leading a study session on Kantian ethics. Not because I like Kant, in fact its quite opposite: I anticipate on molding these young minds to be Objectivist thinkers, in opposition to Kant's hyper-egalitarian universal crap. I have so many Kant crits up my sleeve that these cats won't even know what hit them. Hegel, Nietzsche, the whole gang is here tonight. Game on. Ayn Rand would be so proud.

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