Friday, May 23, 2008

I've got a Crush!!!

Okay, so I'm hot for one of my professors...not JUST a professor: an Australian archaeologist who is really cool, has a great sense of humor and traveled all over the globe. It's more like a brain crush, really. He is full of amazing information; stuff that I'm dying to know about, which is part of the appeal. I'm enchanted by everything he says and does. He's multilingual, which is dreamy and exotic. I laugh at all of his jokes, because well, he's pretty damn funny. I have never listened so attentively to anyone in my fucking life like I listen to this man. Here's an article that the university did about his excavations in Pompeii. Picture's not that good, he's pretty cute in real life. He's also married with babies in real life too, *sigh* but I can still dream...

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