Monday, August 4, 2008

back in the bluegrass

I still have a great story about my last day in the city (yes, waking up on canal st. AGAIN...dammit!) but I'm saving that for tomorrow. Right now, I am lazy and happy. Guess who is snoozin' at my feet? Maximus! Yeah he's all cute and furry and shit...

Mikey picked me up from the airport and somehow convinced me to go with him to the lake when I had not slept in well over 24 hours (to be explained in forthcoming post). It ended up being a pretty good idea actually. First thing I did when I (or he) got my luggage up to my condo was smoke from the Weesil. It was the single most rewarding experience I've had since the last time I smoked out of it. Then, I slept and drank an awesome UDF mint chocolate chip milkshake on the way to the lake, only to get on the boat and lay in the sun snoozing like ferret in a hammock. I even got to work on my suntan!

Today, I laid out at my parents' pool and ate food that was served to me while my parents and I told stories and made fun of each other. I also picked some tomatoes and green beens from our gardens and de-strung the beans (which we ate for dinner). Super tasty.

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