Sunday, June 8, 2008

The wee deer!

This picture was taken by a trail camera in the aforementioned clover patch belonging to my father, about 50 meters from my parents' home. I don't know about you, but that is the tiniest fawn that I have ever seen! It must be a wee newborn, because it's no bigger than a puppy! You can click on the photos to enlarge them and get a sense of the proportions by comparing the fawn's size to that of its mum. At any rate, I thought that it was the cutest little thing I have seen in a long time (besides Maximus, of course), so I thought I would share.

Yes, this is the clover patch over which my father obsesses that I have blogged about in the past (here).

1 comment:

Sexquire said...

That's not a baby deer; it's a chihuahua.