I have been awake for over 30 hours now. I just presented my research proposal in roman archaeology and got ripped apart (and I even talked loudly, Bryan!). It is also raining on the day that I planned on taking it easy and tanning by the pool This fuckin' sucks. I am not cashing in my lotto ticket from last weekend until things start to look up...or until my horoscope predicts that I am good to go. I've got more work this week than I've had in a REALLY long time, and look at what my horoscope tells me:
If you don't accomplish what you set out to do this morning by the end of the day, it won't be for lack of trying. Yes, I am fuckin' aware of this...I am completely surrounded by books and I just busted my ass to present an idea that got shot-down on the spot. Today is best utilized for working towards a goal rather than creating or finishing one. I agree, I am feeling horribly unproductive and sleep deprived. Do not start anything new until you have completed your current projects. thanks for the advice. Letting go of your own agenda may give you the freedom you seek."
In this 30 hour period, I have looked at over 200 wall paintings from Pompeii and the surrounding area and my eyes feel like they are going to bleed. I did, however, find some AMAZING images that I am planning on scanning and posting. Erotica in Roman painting. It will crack your shit up.
I am ready to peace out of archaeology. I'm really tired of pretending like glorified, overcomplicated creative writing is science. Science wears me out. In the end, archaeology is a discipline fabricated by man not to create, but to instead destroy what others left to the earth. All to make our privileged white selves feel important because we have "history and legacy". Can you tell I'm burnt out? I love history, and I'm talkin' shit.
okay, i'm gonna stop now and instead I am gonna post some funny paintings of big wangs and crazy sex scenes.
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