I survived my liberation celebration. I couldn't have had a more ideal crew: all of my best girlfriends, and enough people from art school to make very funny things happen. Whenever friends from college come up, you know there will be trouble. No longer do you consider yourself a "graduate student" which for some reason sounds more serious. You are especially not considered a "young professional", because there is nothing professional about the way you behave when you're around buddies from undergrad. I am posting pictures from this legendary evening that I feel represent the essence of the event. As much explanation (that I can remember) will be provided.

This is from the beginning of the partay, sitting out by the baby pool that we filled full of cans of beer. The fine brews included Strohs, Beast (light and Ice), Paps (light and heavy) Keystone, Natty light, Icehouse...yeah and some shitty, shitty beers. The only shitty beer that I was upset about not serving was Old Style. Old style played an essential role during my very formative college years. My friend on the left is wearing a curtain she bought at goodwill, I'm wearing wal-mart yardage in baby blue, and my accomplice on the right is wearing an Elvis toga. Jail house rock, specifically.

I wasn't even THAT drunk in this one. I guess I just felt romantic. It must have been the Elvis toga. Or the beer and punch.
Speaking of punch, the night before this partay I chopped up a bunch of fruit and soaked it in booze, Corbin Field Party style. I SHOULD have just used everclear, but instead I used Kentucky Gentleman. I hope I never drink KG again, and I hope none of my family, friends, future children or any loved ones ever again drink KG. I know why I stick to Maker's and Knobb Creek. KG is like gasoline, but cheaper. My buddy who helped me get everything together put the fruit in with some pineapple juice and MORE KG, to make a really toxic cocktail that no one wanted to drink, but everyone did.

As the night went on, we all got drunk and started to get lofty aspirations and big ideas...

Of course, there is no filing a baby pool with beers without someone jumping into it. On this particular night, wee Greg was the one who was called to duty. I fuckin' love this kid! Also, he pops up in almost every picture of the night, somewhere.

This "gorgeous" photo was taken right after I insulted my best friend by saying that a guy (who she thought was quite unattractive) looked like the guy she has been seeing. This was right before her disgust for my remark prompted her challenging me to a dance-off. I never pass up a challenge to dance, and I actually continued to work my John Travolta fingers long after the dance off ended. We never determined a winner, but she's brown and I was doing Saturday Night Fever shit, so it was most likely her.
more to come, Hoo ha's pizza is now closing for the night, as is my internet connection... *sigh*
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