Saturday, May 9, 2009

This game show is quite Surreal...

with Dali and all! What a character... he would have been great to meet in person.


Caio Fern said...

yes , he was a good charater, but, would you realy like to meet him in person? i dont want to be the boring guy that critcizes everyone, but some times he seems so fake and steriotiped....well i fell like to be negative about him ,maybe because all my family loves him,and the 2 crazyest girfriends i had in my life loved him as well .one was a maried woman that betrayed the husband with me when i was 19 years old and she 42, and other was the daughter of a painter that tried to kill me ,they sad my work had infuences of him, it was a long time ago.
i hate him.and his paintings hasnt a good pictoric valour when you see closely, its disapointing.
sorry , i didnt want to irritate you.

E Roach said...

Dali was a key figure in my favorite (alas, deleted) scene in Lolita.

AHHHH so romantic. Even though it's basically Jizz In My Pants. Love the fruit though... and the whole thing.