As I sit here, feverish from what I believe to be alcohol poisoning, I think fondly of the past three days of debauchery that justify this debilitating physical condition. Each night will be put into separate posts, beginning with Thursday.
Thursday night was the official celebration of passing my thesis defense! So, Mikey and I decided to drink A LOT and go listen to one of my favorite bands play. I lost track of how many times I've seen them live. MTV was filming "Making the Band" so we had to sign waivers and get our photos taken before we went into the Southgate House. Mikey and I may have gotten on TV, but we were too drunk to have known if we were filmed. This is a bad thing.
We did some tequila shots, pounded beers, and reserved our energy through the opening bands to expel when the Features went on. To my surprise, the first bands had a better crowd than the Features! I found this disturbing, so I took it upon myself to project as much energy and enthusiasm as a packed house. I kinda went nuts. No lie. I jumped around A LOT.
My actions were so pronounced that the lead singer of the band, Matt, addressed my behavior through the microphone: "Thank you all for coming out. i hope you're enjoying the show. I know SHE is." I called for an encore at the end of the show, and I was granted two requests: Idea of Growing Old and another from Exhibit A that I was too drunk to retain in my memory. I do remember how awesome they were though, and I was shakin' it all over the place.
This belligerence resulted in some guy that I talked to at the show posting for me on Craigslist's Missed Connections. I don't remember what I said really and definitely don't remember what he looks like, but Minnie texted me the night after the show and informed me that someone might have posted about me. Here is the initial post:
You kinda just chilled all night until The Features came on then you danced your ass off and I thought the guy with you was your boyfriend. You said later that he was only a friend. You even got them to play two extra songs (great choices, btw). You seemed like a really cool chick. Reply to this post and tell me what tshirt you were wearing so I know it's you.
This fuckin' blew my mind. Mikey was tryin to tell me that I didn't need to be surprised, because I owned the Southgate House for about an hour of my life. However, Missed Connections is hilarious and I never ever ever thought one of those posts would be about me! I always thought of them for entertainment purposes only. Wow. Okay, so I'm going to post the reply thread below so you can see how it all panned out:
I was definitely wearing a white tshirt with Warhol's Marilyn printed in pink on the front. I remember talking but I was a few tequila shots in.
I can't believe the crowd was so small! The Features rock, and I'm glad you liked my song choices. :-) So cool you found me on Missed Connections! (I got a text from one of my best girlfriends that read, "I think someone posted a missed connection for you from the Features show!!!" how fun!)
Wow. I have never ever posted a missed connections before but I must
admit that reading them is one of my guilty pleasures! haha
I actually had a Features tee on and I didn't expect you to remember
me with all the commotion going on (started by you mostly) ya know. I
just thought you were a pretty fun chick and obviously have a great
choice of music so I dropped a line to say hey.
There's an awesome band playing Tues @ Southgate btw... Roger Clyne
and The Peacemakers. Maybe I'll see you there and say hey if that's
Always love meeting new people and finding out about new music so stay
in touch if you can.
Have a good holiday.
Surprisingly, I am not creeped out by this dude (as one would expect to be, meeting someone on Craigslist). Should I be scared? What do I do next?!? Fuck me this is random.
After the show, Mikey and I went dancing at Arnie's, which was lame as usual but we were drunk enough to forget about it. If it's any gauge of my intoxication, Mikey had an entire joint rolled and ready and neither of us had the coordination to smoke. I fell asleep with a plate of half-eaten breaded shrimp sitting on my tits, cuddling with a bottle of vitamin water. The next day I went to get my hair done, and my stylist found cocktail sauce in my hair. To get to work on time, I had to go in the same clothes I went out in the night before. I'm one classy bitch, that's for sure.
Day 2 of the bender: Danville road trip to sing with Elderbeest.
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