So I'm probably not going to be posting much in the next two weeks. Here are the reasons for this:
three short (5-6 pg.) artist bios, including provenance lists and descriptions of the work.
one 20 pg. paper on landscapes in Roman wall paintings outside Pompeii
one 10 pg paper on Drunkeness in Jan Steen paintings
two 15 pg papers on the Mycenaeans: "The Present State of Mycenaean Terracotta Figurines Scholarship and Interpretation" (see picture), and the other 12 pgs. is actually a set of three essays that should be anywhere from 12-20 pgs in length, but we shouldn't spend more than 6 hours on (these were the instructions, straight from the prof). It looks as if I will be exploring Mycenaean pottery, the end of the Bronze age on mainland Greece, and the Mycenaeans and Linear B (the deadest language in the world, which I can semi-effectively translate, or at least pretend to. I have many valuable skills to offer the world, this I know.)
This totals 70+ pgs of shit that I have to make interesting. Have I started? No. So, if you call, text or email and I don't respond, you know why. I am cutting myself off from the rest of the world until June 10th. No booze, just books.
I do not think you can imagine how drunk I will be come June 10th. Furthermore, my shitty roommate-ex liberation will be shortly thereafter, and I will have my pad all to my self! I have decided that I'm getting a keg and renting out the clubhouse for a toga party to celebrate my liberation. No underwear allowed. Everyone will have an awesome time.
Photo: 3 Mycenaean terracotta figurines, circa 1450 BC. On the left is the Tau type, and the two on the right are of the Phi type (names come from the Greek letters that share their shapes).
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