Amidst a whirlwind of academic wonderment, I caught myself doing and thinking of a few stupid things today (really not unlike any other day).
I smoked herb before going to work out. As I was lifting my measly 10 lbs. dumbbells in front of the mirror, I noticed that I had traded my solemn "training face" for a big white ear-to-ear grin. I saw myself cheesin' like crazy in the mirror while I was lifting weights. Several other guys around me had already made note of this - I'm pretty sure they knew something was up. Once I realized how goofy this was, I couldn't hold my laughter in; I had to go crack up in the bathroom.
You don't grin back at yourself in the gym mirror that everyone else also uses! Geez Morgane!
And another: I was trying to think about what to put on my blog earlier. "What if Armageddon came mid-blog post?" I thought. The draft of my posting would be auto-saved onto some harddrive that, like the LInear B tablets from Pylos or, Knossos, could be preserved for some super-human species to find thousands or even millions of years later. They will then have to decipher the English language based on what I've included on this page. I wish I could speak Future so I could also include a cipher. At any rate, from my blog the people of the future will be very aware of our curse words, and I'm sure they will misuse them frequently (as I did to ancient greek). I only wish I could be around to watch my blog save our culture!
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