From here on out, this week's postings will only concern sexy people, sexy things, and sex itself. Why, you might wonder? Well, a sexy friend of mine is turning 23 this weekend, and I feel that it's only appropriate to begin the festivities early, even if it is on my blog. Hell, I'm kinda drunk right now (the vino gets me every time). So, I've included this sexy painting by Frans van Mieris, titled Inn Scene. In the background, there are two people getting it on in the doorway leading to the other room. On the floor in the middle ground, two dogs are humping. [which is awesome] In the foreground, the action is about to happen. This is what's going down Friday night. Even Waffles will be getting laid! [for more on Waffles, see my posting "Sexy Chihuahua"]
Okay, so there were other sexy parts of my day:
Always sexy: Darius, who works in the DAAP cafe. He hooks me up with free food and coffee and makes me smile anytime I see him. What an AMAZING personality! Alas, I found out today that he might be leaving us at DAAP! I am so heartbroken. Who is going to both provide me with discounted coffee AND laugh at my bad jokes? I will get our picture taken together and post it sometime this week.
Sexy, in theory, sort of: I agreed to model for the fashion design department. I'm flattered, and I love clothes, but I'm now having my doubts for the following reasons:
1. I was reminded of the bad taste in my mouth left from my short stint as a model when I was in high school. Some wicked bitch told me my ribs were too big and that I would need a facelift. That dumb cunt.
2. The dress I tried on was very sexy, except for the fitting at the bust. The boob cups, which the designer/seamstress admitted were "a little off-kilter" actually pointed my boobs in different directions. I then walked out in front of the little asian fashion design professor to show her the issue with the fit, and she proceeded to play with me boobies for several minutes as I stood in silence, stared at the white wall and tried to think about my sea eagle, which was shipped out today. My titties did not care for this experience.
Probably the sexiest part of my day was seeing my good buddy Bryan for the first time this semester. He is very funny, and I'm sad we don't have class together again this quarter. We ate lunch, caught up and it was just all-around sexy. It is appropriate here, as Bryan is also a Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job fan, to mention that the Tim and Eric first season comes out on DVD April 22.
Okay, so I'm going to smoke and watch Aqua Teen now. Gear up for a very, VERY sexy week.
You forgot the sexy CL post about father-daughter love that I sent you... your oversight = not sexy.
Mooorgaaan, the mental picture of some seamstress abusing you physically while you're in a gown and staring straight ahead trying to be comfortable is amazing. I hope you're having a sexy hump day.
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