Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another astrology kick

So the psychic experience got me on another one of my astrology kicks, part of which is posted below. I still find them to be about 70% feasible. This is from (type in your birthday and you get date-specific readings):

MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS--Mercury in the signs gives clues to the kinds of concerns that occupy your mind, and reveals your psychological approach to making decisions and conveying your ideas to others. In this sign, it influences your mind to focus on attitudes behind the facts. This kind of approach can give you great insight into social motivation and its subsequent events. You will be much concerned with education, especially in the fields of religion, philosophy, and law. You are direct in speech and will say exactly what you think. Since your ideas are likely to be near the traditional, you will be respected for your directness. You need to keep aware that facts are not always attitudes, and not confuse the two or ignore the facts. Find out more with your full-length reading...

VENUS IN CAPRICORN--Venus in the signs indicates how you express your emotions in personal relationships, and your attitude toward money, personal possessions, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values. In Capricorn it bestows a sensual, sexual expression, but the relationships are likely to be serious and mature. In the other areas, it inclines your interest toward business, commerce, banking, investments, stocks, shares, professional sports, and executive positions which bring you contact with many people. You are likely to have a strong sense of composition in art forms with an attraction to classical music and the traditional art which survives the times. You could be very successful in businesses related to the arts, such as professional sports. Find out more with your full-length reading...

I didn't find out more with a full-length reading, after paying a psychic $20 just a couple days ago and getting made fun of ever since then.

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