It's not what's painted, it's what's excluded from the painting all together.
Manet's Olympia, a naked prostitute (see image), represents the exchange of commodities and goods, according to Marxists.
I hate Marx.
Evil altruism exists.
One can go too far politicizing images.
Nothing can truly be reflected in another thing. There is always at least a slight distortion in that thing. So, to say "The _________ is reflected by the _________." is incorrect.
An archive is any particular place serving as a container, or vessel, for collected objects. Henceforth, my closet, laundry room and storage room shall each be called "archives" just to sound pretentious and humor myself by suggesting that I'm organized.
Formlessness can't be defined.
Derrida is a douchebag.
I don't know that I can actually conceive of ambiguity. What is it really, and does it truly exist?
prostitutes are linked to circulation through strange associations, according to TJ Clark.
Parapraxis: Freud's actual term for "Freudian Slip", or an error in action thought to be caused by the unconscious.
In the philosophy of art, the term phallus does not always mean penis. It sometimes represents the idea of the power of a penis. So, a phallus can be present in an image without any actual genitalia being depicted.
Sex without the production of a child is considered excess. (This is a shitty idea, in case you didn't catch that.)
I would rather be at a basketball game right now.
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