Song of the day: Silverchair "Tomorrow" (isn't that retro by now?)
I need to write about last weekend. REALLY need to post the whole shebang. However, I'm swamped with my students and the days just aren't long enough. If only I could just kick it and blog...
Instead, I'm re-reading Plato for the ten-billionth time. I still love him dearly, but damn. I feel like all my guys are taking entry-level philosophy courses and I have to re-read everything I read (or pretended to read) in undergrad. Berkeley, Locke, Hume and Plato are my current reads...then for my own class I spent 3 fuckin' hours preparing to lead a discussion on Heidegger. I forgot how much he sucked to read! I guess it could always be worse - it could be Kant! Ewww...
Perhaps its good for me though. I appreciate something different every time, and I typically forget (tee hee hee) most of what goes on in an essay a few days after I read it. I do miss my nerdy philosophy friends from undergrad...ahh the nostalgia!
I'm glad I experience such amazing feelings when I revisit my memories; I've met so many wonderful people and seen some pretty cool things. Maybe reflection is what keeps me so content. I tend to find spiritual qualities in the act of reflection, which I started to think about during my Heidegger bonding time tonight. I'll leave you with part of his conclusion from "The Age of the World Picture":
"Man will know that which is incalculable, only in creative questioning and shaping out of the power of genuine reflection. Reflection transports the man of the future into that "between" in which he belongs to Being and yet remains a stranger amid that which is."
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